Dendrite Clinical Systems in the Press
Over the years, the outcomes from Dendrite’s registries and clinical trials have frequently featured in the media. Examples include (by specialty):
Bariatric (NBSR)
- BBC - Many young weight-loss surgery patients 'super-obese'
- RCSEng - RCS comment on the launch of second NBSR report
Cardiothoracic surgery
- FORECAST - BBC - Coronavirus: Loss of smell may be clearer sign than cough
- CoviDiab
- The Times - Covid can trigger diabetes, growing evidence suggests
- Scientific American - Unraveling the Complex Link between COVID and Diabetes
- MSNBC (Today) - Can COVID-19 cause diabetes?
- Fox News - COVID-19 may trigger diabetes in some people
- The Independent - Coronavirus may trigger diabetes in previously healthy people, scientists fear
Interventional Radiology (ROPE Registry)
Medical Cannabis Registry
Orthopaedics (QIST)
Vascular (VASCUNET Report)
Consultant Outcomes Portals