Dendrite Clinical Systems is delighted to report that our Managing Director, Dr Peter Walton, has published a chapter discussing the value of clinical registries in new publication on Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG). In his Chapter, Dr Peter Walton outlines value of national bariatric registries and their capability to deliver evidence on a global basis, as well as providing some practical perspectives on best practice when setting out to start a national registry and how to keep a good registry going.
10 January 2021
Dendrite Clinical Systems and the Institute for Health Research (IGES) in Berlin, Germany, have initiated the Outpatient Treatment of COVID-19 Infections (ABC-19) study, to record data on the treatment of COVID-19 patients and discover more about the outpatient course of the disease, the individual risk factors of patients that contribute to severe COVID-19 courses and the procedures of general practitioners (GPs).
11 December 2020
Dendrite Clinical Systems, in conjunction with the British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS), have published the Third National Bariatric Surgery Registry Report that highlights the safety and effectiveness of bariatric and metabolic surgery in the UK. The report uses data from the National Bariatric Surgery Registry (NBSR), a decade long research collaboration between BOMSS and Dendrite Clinical Systems.
13 October 2020
Researchers at the University College London and University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), London, UK, have reported that the vast majority of participants with new onset loss of smell were positive for COVID19, and this acute loss of sense of smell needs to be considered globally as a criterion for self-isolation, testing and contact tracing in order to contain the spread of COVID-19.
2 October 2020
The New Zealand National Trauma Network and Dendrite Clinical Systems have launched a new national trauma registry in the country. The ‘National Trauma Registry’ will collect and record data on approximately 2,400 patients who suffer major trauma in New Zealand every year. By recording and analysing data, trauma experts will be able to examine the quality of care provided and assess whether the system as a whole or individual regions, hospitals/centres are performing to an accepted standard and, if necessary, initiate quality improvements.
25 August 2020
Dendrite Clinical Systems’ innovative “Intellect Web” software has been chosen by an international group of 17 leading diabetes experts from the multidisciplinary Diabetes Surgery Summit (DSS), as the platform on which the CoviDiab project will establish a Global Registry to collect new cases of diabetes in patients with COVID-19.
24 June 2020
Dendrite Registries !Contact Dendrite to find out more about our game-changing clinical registry system to collect data from clinicians and directly from patients. Please contact Dr Alexey Brovko on +44 7766166 795 or e-mail: to discuss the details and arrange a demonstration. |
Dendrite is leading the way globally in the implementation of hospital, national and international Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Registries.
Over 1 million Bariatric operation records now reside safely on Dendrite’s Intellect-Web registry software
We are the world’s premier supplier of cardiac surgery clinical database systems with installations in 35 UK centres, and with an install base stretching across >40 countries. See the Hong Kong Case study!
Dendrite has established multiple databases that are seeking to improve the diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of patients with serious respiratory conditions, including the Large Airways Collapse with Symptoms Registry, the UK Severe Asthma Registry which incorporates the UK Bronchioplasty Registry
Our Registry software has been carefully selected as the system of choice to set up over a dozen world-first national registries from the BAPRAS Reconstructive Free and Pedicled Flap Surgery Registry (see Case Study!) to the UK National Endocrine Surgery Registry (see Case Study!) ……. to the BSACI Registry for Immunotherapy.
We have set up National Registries for common cancers such as Breast Cancer all the way through to rare diseases, procedures, and conditions such as Waldenström’s Macroglobulinaema
Dendrite web registry software is being chosen by an ever increasing number of Medical Device companies to set up observational post-marketing surveillance registries
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