Real World Evidence
Dendrite Clinical Systems is a global leader in the area of clinical registries with an extensive experience in the field of Real World Evidence studies.
Real World Evidence goes beyond traditional controlled clinical trials. Pharmaceutical and medical device companies can use Real World Evidence data to inform stakeholders about a product's use, treatment patterns (standards of care), benefits and cost effectiveness to gain and defend market access, inform the design of products and trials and transform their relationships with clinicians from a supplier to a collaborator.
Large scale Real World Evidence data has not been available until recently – this is a major opportunity to demonstrate the value of your products. All of the major pharmaceutical companies have recently initiated Real World Evidence projects to inform product development and/or commercial decisions. Post market research has been the only growing area in the clinical research field in recent years. Indeed, if pharmaceutical and medical device companies do not take the initiative and lead the development of compelling real world cost-effectiveness arguments, regulatory agencies will create their own potentially unfavourable product narratives of which we have seen multiple examples already.
While there may be various sources of real world clinical information (such as Electronic Patient Record systems), implementation experience has proven that this information is mostly sporadic, incomplete and difficult to reconcile and analyse, particularly on a large scale. Clinical registries have proven to be the main source of scientifically robust large scale Real World Evidence to date.
Our customer dedication and delivery track record is impeccable. We would be delighted to work with you to help you design and support your Real World Evidence project.
Please contact us to discuss your Real World Evidence project:
Email: rwe@e-dendrite.com
Phone: +44 20 8949 8999 (Dr Alexey Brovko)