Clinical Databases
Dendrite Clinical Systems has been contracted to supply a number of web-enabled data capture systems for a series of important national and international clinical databases. The following links will take you to demonstration databases where you can try out the software in a safe test environment.
Please note, most our our registries will take you to the Demonstration site, please read and select the correct option if you need to access the Live registry. Do not enter real records in the Demonstration portals!
Allergy & Clinical Immunology
Bariatric Medicine
Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
- IFSO Global Registry Pilot - Direct Data Entry
- UK National Bariatric Surgery Registry Version 2- LIVE Registry
- UK National Bariatric Surgery Registry Version 2- Demonstration
- Brazilian National Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Database (English and Brazilian version)
- Kuwait National Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Registry
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Bariatric Surgery Registry
- Dominican Republic National Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Registry
- Egyptian National Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Registry
- Tunisian Bariatric Surgery Database
- Turkish National Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Database (English and Turkish version)
- Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society of India (OSSI) National Bariatric Surgery Registry
- Pakistan Bariatric Surgery Database
- Hong Kong Metabolic Bariatric Surgery Registry
- Kazakhstan Metabolic Bariatric Surgery Registry
- Bariatric surgery database system for individual surgeons and small clinics
Breast Cancer
Cardiac Surgery
- New Dendrite/SCTSGBI National Adult Cardiac Surgical Registry Upload-My-Data Portal
- Demonstration Dendrite/SCTS New National Registry Benchmarking Dashboard System
- NEW Demonstration Euromacs Registry Version V2.0
- International Registry of Mitral Interventions (European Valve Repair Registry)
- Irish Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Registry
- Nordic Aprotinin Patient Registry
- New Zealand Adult Cardiac Surgery Registry (Demonstration System)
- Bulgarian National Cardiac Surgery Registry (in Bulgarian and English)
- Cardiac Surgery Hospital System
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Adult Cardiac Surgery Registry
- The Slovakian TAVI Registry
- Minimally Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation versus Conventional Cardiopulmonary Bypass (MiECS) Clinical Trial
- CANPAF - Canadian Patient Initiated Atrial Fibrillation Registry
- ICRR - International Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry - DEMO
- ICRR - International Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry - LIVE
- Cardiac Arrest Web Registry
- Dendrite Data Analysis Demonstration Registry
- Pilot Global Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry
- The Slovakian TAVI Registry
Colorectal surgery
- CoviDiab Global Registry
- Ambulante Behandlung von Covid-19 Infektionen: (ABC19 Studie)
- Kuwait National Coronavirus Registry
Endocrine Surgery
- Speedboat Submucosal Dissection Registry (SSDR)
- Speedboat Submucosal Dissection USA Registry
- CREO Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) Registry
- MPN-SVT Mascot Registry
- Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT)
- Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Registry
- Castleman Disease
- Irish IBTS
Head and Neck Surgery
- British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons (BAETS) National Database
- ENT-UK Laryngeal Surgery Registry
- HANA - Head and Neck Audit - Direct Data Entry
- DAHNO Data Review Portal 2014-2016 COP 4 Portal
- TMJ Replacement Registry
- Microsurgical Registry
Hernia Surgery
Interventional Neuroradiology
- United Kingdom Neuroradiology Interest Group Flow Diverter Registry
- Demonstration Clinical Trial Environment
Interventional Radiology
Laparoscopic Surgery
- National Bariatric Surgery Registry
- UK National Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Registry
- British Hernia Society Registry - DEMO
- British Hernia Society Registry - LIVE
Maxillofacial Surgery
Medicinal Cannabis
Mental Health
- Biliary Stent Registry
- HANA - Head and Neck Audit - Direct Data Entry
- International Colorectal Stent Registry
- International Spinal Plasty Registry
- New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation Registry
- ROMEO Ophthalmology - Registry of amniotic membrane outcomes in ophthalmology
- LumiThera ophthalmology
- International iSTAR Medical MINIject Registry
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Organ Transplantation
- BAJIR - UK Bone and Joint Infection Registry
- QIST - Quality Improvement For Surgical Teams Registry
- QIST Round 2 - Quality Improvement For Surgical Teams Registry
- Knee Arthroplasty Outcome Registry with SF12/SF36 Follow-up
- International Spinal Plasty Registry
- UK National Spinal RF Registry
Paediatric Surgery
- National Outcomes Audit for Hypospadias
- Gastroschisis Outcomes Registry UK
- AHOR- Asian Hypospadias Outcome Registry
Pain Management
Palliative Care
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
- British Association of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons' National Flap Surgery Registry
- British Association of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons' Skin Cancer Surgery Mohs Registry
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Rare Diseases and Conditions, Niche Medical Treatments and Interventions
- INPIC - Invasive Neurodestructive Procedures in Cancer Pain Registry
- MPN-SVT Mascot Registry
- Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Registry
- Castleman Disease
- AKU - Alkaptonuria Society Registry
Respiratory Medicine
- LACS - Large Airways Collapse with Symptoms Registry
- UK Paediatric Difficult Asthma Registry
- UK Severe Asthma Registry
- Pleural Disease Registry
- THRIVE Cystic Fibrosis Registry
Skin Cancer
Surgical and Interventional Oncology
- Biliary Stent Registry
- International Colorectal Stent Registry
- British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons (BAETS) National Database
- HANA - Head and Neck Audit - Direct Data Entry
- New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation Registry
- Prostate IRE Registry
Thoracic Surgery
- SCTS - UK and Ireland National Thoracic Surgery Registry
Upper GI Surgery
- ROPE - Registry of Prostatic Artery Embolisation
- AHOR - Asian Hypospadias Outcome Registry
- Prostate IRE Registry