Our Clients
With an impressive client list featuring national and international surgical and medical societies, Dendrite has an extensive client-base in the medical device and pharmaceutical industry. Our contracts range from simple sponsorship agreements that guarantee maximum exposure to our clients' target audiences to tailored systems developed for a specific product or therapeutic area. A number of our industry clients have used our software to specifically run post-marketing surveillance studies and to collect reliable market research data.
Our client base includes:
- International surgical societies and associations
- National surgical societies and associations
- National medical societies and associations
- Ministries of Health
- NHS England
- Medical device companies
- Pharmaceutical companies
- Post-graduate, University and General hospitals
- Private hospital chains & clinics
- Research Institutions
- Patient Advocacy groups
Dendrite is pleased to present a few case studies, in which a few of our clients describe their unique experience in working with us and how we helped them to create world-first clinical registries.
Case Study 1:
BAPRAS - UK National Flap Registry:
The aim of the UK National Flap Registry is to collect information about all major free and pedicled flap operations carried out in the UK and through that, to assess the quality of care provided for patients. Participation in audit is part of professional practice and integral to appraisal and revalidation as required by the GMC. By participating in this audit, participants will be able to use their data for appraisal and revalidation portfolio. This audit will allow appropriate comparison of clinical performance with national and international standards, and provide useful data on changing trends.
Access the UKNFR registry: http://uknfr.e-dendrite.com
Case Study 2:
Cardiac Surgery Database - Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong:
In 2018, the Division of Cardiac Surgery at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, at the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH), Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, published its 7th ‘Cardiac Surgery Report’, which reported that cardiac surgery is safe and effective and that the outcomes are comparable with international standards.
Case Study 3:
BAETS - UK Registry of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgery:
The UK Registry of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgery (UKRETS) is an electronic audit of endocrine operations performed in the UK. Surgeons can then access the registry to enter details of all endocrine operations. The results from the registry are published openly via the Surgeon Specific Outcomes Report for Endocrine Surgery. The audit is run by Dendrite Systems and generously sponsored by Covidien. |
Access the BAETS registry: http://baes.e-dendrite.com