6th National Audit Report - BAETS
Code:ISBN 978-1-9160207-6-4
I am very pleased to write the foreword to this Sixth BAETS National Audit Report, which is based on data from the United Kingdom Registry of Endocrine & Thyroid Surgery ( UKRETS ) database for the period July 2015 to June 2020, including a comparison of this period to earlier years.<br>
Sebastian Aspinall, as BAETS audit lead, has worked hard with Radu Mihai and Dendrite colleagues including Robin Kinsman and Peter Walton to present in a clear format the UKRETS data. I congratulate them on the excellent report they have produced.<br>
Sebastian Aspinall has led the development of individual thyroid dashboards that members can access, with parathyroid and adrenal dashboards to come, allowing surgeons to easily compare their operative numbers, outcomes, and complications to those of others. This is a significant step forward in supporting the aims of the database to allow us to understand our outcomes and complications, to drive up standards in endocrine surgery, and to be able to inform patients more realistically about the likelihood of particular complications occurring in individual practice.
BAETS continues to support best practice in endocrine surgery, through the thyroid and parathyroid masterclass, the new adrenal masterclass and through our annual scientific meeting and regular webinar series.<br>
The 2021 Endocrine GIRFT specialty report highlights the importance of surgeons participating in the UKRETS database.